
Written by: Hunter Jarrell- Racine Southern FFA Historian

FFA Week, celebrated annually during the week 17-21 of February is a time for FFA chapters across the United States to highlight the importance of agriculture and the role of The National FFA Organization in shaping the future of the industry. This week-long event features various activities, including community service projects, agricultural education, and leadership workshops, all aimed at fostering a sense of community and promoting agricultural literacy. FFA Week not only emphasizes the significance of agriculture but also inspires students to develop their leadership abilities and pursue careers in this essential field. 

On the Monday of FFA Week it was President’s Day so we did not attend school, however on Tuesday, February 18, the Racine Southern FFA kicked off with their first activities of the week. The Ohio State FFA Sentinel, Caleb Bennett, came and visited all of our ag classes and did different kinds of leadership skills activities such as: Blind folded landmine walk where we had to learn how to be a leader and guide our classmates through the minefield. We then held our annual Ag olympics in the high school gym, where students in 7-12th grade participated in games such as: Feed sack carrying, plunger crawling, nail driving contest, tug of war, and apple bobbing. In these contests the different grades competed to win the exceptionally large trophy that we present to the winning grade, which was the juniors this year. We also had a dress like Larry the Cable Guy day. 

On Wednesday, February 19, it was to drive your tractor to school day. With this, Ag students who owned a tractor were given permission to drive their tractor to school and park them out front. Given the event of the day, we also held tractor/farm safety presentations all day for the elementary to attend and learn about. It was also staff appreciation day for, we made flavored, sugar free, electrolyte packed, energy drinks for the staff and went around to hand them out as a personal thank you for everything they do for our chapter throughout the year.

On Thursday, February 20, we were out of school because of weather complications. This was supposed to be Ag in the classroom day but fortunately we were lucky enough to be able to reschedule for the following tuesday. During Ag in the classroom our members split up into different groups and went into Southerns 3rd grade classrooms to educate the students on the importance of agriculture. We do various activities with the classes including: a soil layers activity where we fill up a cup with different cereals to represent the different layers of soil, we do a barn building activity where the 3rd grade students are split into groups and given spaghetti sticks, marshmallows, and toothpicks to see which group can build the best looking and sturdiest barn, we cut up an apple into pieces that represent the amount of land we have on earth where crops and different types of resources can thrive, and we also make homemade ice cream with the students so we can teach them about the dairy industry while also keeping them entertained. 

Finally, on Friday, February 21, we had our Merica’ dress day where we wore the colors of our great nation. Some of our members went around to all the classes to collect pop tabs which we reward the class with the most with a prize of their choice. The winning class was Mr. Zach Ash’s 2nd grade class. We take all of the pop tabs we collected and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House to support the families staying there.

In conclusion, the Racine Southern FFA chapter takes pride in our activities that we put on for FFA Week. Throughout the week we also braided dog toys out of old clothes and donated them to our local dog shelter, along with the money we make from selling $1 stickers that make hats permissible to wear during the school day. Our chapter is very proud of all the work we can do when it comes to donating to and helping out the community in every way we can. 

Mr. Zach Ash’s 2nd grade class who brought in the most pop tabs

Tractors that were driven to school on Drive Your Tractor to School Day

Students participating in the minefield activity with The State Sentinel, Caleb Bennet