Racine, Ohio: Southern Local Board of Education recognized outstanding students and staff at tonight's meeting through their STORM student, Student of the Month, and Teacher/Staff Member of the Month programs. Southern Local would like to thank Home National Bank and its President, Mr. John Hoback, for supporting this program.
STORM Students
Bella McCune - 1st grade
Bella is the perfect example of a STORM student. She is someone the other students can look to when they aren’t sure what to do. She is kind to all, thoughtful with her words and actions, and is such a great friend to everyone! Bella is always helpful and willing to lend a hand to teachers and her fellow classmates. She has a wonderfully positive personality and is usually smiling. Bella has a great work ethic and gives 110% in everything she does. Bella is a great role model for other students! She is going to do amazing things with her life. We are very lucky to have her in our class family.
Malakai Durham - 6th grade
Malakai has been a STORM Student for the duration of his time as a Southern Elementary student. He strives for excellence in his academics, has unmatched work ethic, is a top-notch friend, and is a role model to younger students. In math class, Malakai is one of the top achieving students and such a joy to teach. He sets incredibly high goals for himself, and consistently achieves those goals. What sets him apart from other students is the way he is constantly raising the bar and pushing himself farther as he meets each of his goals. Outside the classroom he is a STORM student through and through with upstanding morals and values. Malakai is inspiring to anyone who is working towards growth. He is exactly what a Southern Elementary STORM student should be!
Students of the Month
Layla Nibert - 7th grade
Layla shows dedication to learning each and every day. She has a passion for learning that is evident in the way she engages in class discussions and eagerly tackles challenging topics. She is motivated to be her best and works hard to meet the expectations she has of herself. Layla consistently takes initiative in group work and helps to guide her peers with patience. Her kindness shines through her interactions with others; she is always willing to lend a helping hand and offer support wherever she can. She is a wonderful role model for her peers and inspires others through her dedication to success.
- Jenni Roush
Mia Little - 11th grade
Mia is the student who will work with anyone, support everyone, and have a fun time learning and being herself in the process. Mia has always been uniquely her own person, but this year I have watched her grow into an active and supportive team member throughout all the different projects we have completed in MMR. Mia is never afraid to try something new, never complains about working with others, and has more patience than I have ever seen in a student her age. Mia shows a great deal of kindness and leadership in everything she does. -Amanda Rinaldi
Mia Little is an exemplary student who has an irreproachable character and work ethic. She is curious and enjoys learning new things in class. Mia always works hard on her assignments and her growth mindset is inspiring. I am proud of how her leadership skills have started to develop during this school year. She has been a leader in forensics class and is respected by all of her classmates. I have no doubt that Mia will continue to serve as an excellent example of what we strive for at Southern High.
-Courtney Manuel
Staff Member of the Month
Ryland Michael - bus driver
Ryland is an exceptional bus driver. He cares about his students. Ryland often makes calls home to check on students. He reaches out to staff, alerting them of students who have done exceptionally well on the bus. He's always willing to take trips and do anything extra that is needed. He finds so much joy in his students. He takes so much pride in being a bus driver.
Teacher of the Month
Rachel Hupp - Kindergarten Teacher
Year after year, Rachel pours enthusiasm and heart into her classroom. She provides a positive and structured learning environment for her students in a way that helps them feel safe and opens their minds to learning. Rachel fosters a love of learning that is unmatched, as her students become very excited about learning new things. It is imperative that our students start with a strong foundation early in their schooling, which is built through the structure that Rachel provides. Rachel consistently excels at helping all students reach their potential. She fosters not only early literacy and math sense but also curiosity, sense of community, and enthusiasm. As a coworker, I appreciate Rachel’s take-charge attitude. She is able to quickly identify what needs to be done in any given situation and has the skills to delegate tasks to those helping. She is a kind and efficient leader, and models what it looks like to be a helper for all. Rachel Hupp is an amazing asset to the Southern Local School District.
Congratulations to all of tonight's honorees and the many other outstanding students and staff members that were not able to be recognized tonight.