Written By: Hunter Jarrell, Racine Southern FFA 2024-2025 Historian

Racien, Ohio: The Racine Southern FFA officer books all received gold ratings after the District 10 FFA Evaluations. These books include the reporter's book, the reporters book, the treasurer's book, and the secretary’s book. Each of these books must meet certain requirements to receive a gold rating (which is the highest rating you can earn).

Tyson Hupp-Reporter and Hunter Jarrell--Historian earned the gold rated reporters book. It must include some form of print media along with the date of publication for each piece of media. All pieces of print media must be fully focused on agricultural education or FFA-related topics. It must also include a table of contents, at least 20 pieces of print media, and be neat and organized. Additionally, the print media must cover a full year. The scrapbook must include a table of contents and must be neat, organized, and fully finished. It must have pictures with captions, news clippings, and evidence of a quality program.

Will Smith-Treasurer earned the gold rated treasurer's book. To receive a gold rating, it must include an auditing committee report, a chapter budget, an overall balance of funds, individual financial records, a record of receipts and disbursements, treasurer reports, and proper organization of the book.

Skyler Allen-Secretary earned the gold rated secretary’s book. It must include the names of national, state, and chapter officers and committee chairs, a copy of the chapter program of activities, FFA membership rolls, FFA member attendance and activity records, agendas of chapter meetings, minutes of chapter meetings and committee reports, correspondence, constitution and bylaws, and proper organization.

Everything in all books must be fully correct, and all requirements must be fulfilled. The gold rating awards will be presented to the officers who worked on these books at the Ohio FFA convention, which takes place on May 1-2 at the Ohio FFA Convention held in Columbus, Ohio. The officers' names will be called, and they will walk across the stage while receiving the gold rating award. This is quite the honor and a lot of hard work and dedication have been put into these books all year long to earn a gold rating.

In conclusion, the officer books are something that the Racine Southern FFA chapter takes very seriously, as we take great pride in achieving gold ratings year after year. All FFA chapters should take the task of earning gold ratings on their books very seriously because it truly reflects the dedication to the FFA organization that its officers possess and demonstrates the hard-working abilities of all officers apart 

Tyson Hupp- Reporter                         Hunter Jarrell- Historian 


Skyler Allen- Secretary                                 Will Smith- Treasurer