The Job Interview Career Development Event (CDE) is a FFA contest that
members can compete in. Each member submits a resume and writes a cover letter
before the contest. At the conteste they complete a job application for an agriculture
position on site and participate in an interview. After the interview they write a follow- up
letter. Members must win the district contest to move onto the state contest. State
winning individual advances to National competition that is held during the National FFA
Convention, The state winner also receives a $1000 scholarship.
Racine FFA Members competed in the District 10 Job Interview CDE which was
held at Warren High School on October 29, 2024. Each school is only allowed to send 1
member per grade level. Sophomore, Justin Lawson got 10th place in the contest and
Junior, Hunter Jarrell got 3rd place in the contest. We asked Justin Lawson who
competed in this contest for the first time what he learned from competing. “I increased
my public speaking skills and improved my career goals which will benefit me once I
graduate and apply for future jobs,” Justin Lawson. Great work to our members on
competing in a contest that they will be able to use for years to come.
Article written and submitted by: Hunter Jarrell, 2024-2025 Racine Southern FFA Historian