Article Written and Submitted by: Hunter Jarrell (24-25 Racine Southern FFA Historian)

Soil judging is a competitive event where participants evaluate soil samples based on various characteristics, such as texture, color, structure, and moisture content. Contestants learn to identify different soil horizons and classify soils according to established taxonomy. This process involves analyzing the physical and chemical properties of the soil to determine its suitability for agriculture, construction, and environmental management. Soil judging not only enhances understanding of soil science but also fosters appreciation for its critical role in ecosystems and human activity, making it an essential skill for future land managers, farmers, and environmentalists. Urban teams judge soil for non-farm uses, homesites, and urban areas. Rural teams judge soil for farm uses and whether or not the soil is good for food and fiber production. 

Racine Southern FFA had their Local Soil judging competition held at Tony Carnahan’s Farm in Racine, Ohio. In the Urban Soil Judging class Racine Southern FFA had a team score of 1556 and had a team rank of 3rd overall. Will Smith was first on the team with a score of 557. Wyatt Smith placed second also with a score of 502. Hunter Jarrell placed third with a score of 497. Nathaniel Nero, Justin Lawson, Hunter Lackey, Tyson Hupp, and Alex Owsley also competed in this contest. In the Rural Soil judging Racine Southern FFA had a team score of 1105 and had a team rank of 6th overall. Brilah Spires placed first on the team with a score of 385. Skyler Allen placed second on the team with a score of 366. Peyton Milliron placed third on the team with a score of 354. Xander Moon and Emma Owens also competed in this contest. We would like to give a big thank you to Athens and Meigs Soil and Water Conservation District in preparing and hosting this contest each year to help prepare our students for the District contest.

On October 8th, 2024, Racine Southern FFA’s Urban Team, along with our Advisor, Jenna Meeks, attended the Meigs County Soil and Water banquet held at the Blakeslee Center in Middleport, Ohio. Will Smith, Wyatt Smith, and Hunter Jarrell were awarded for their accomplishments with a cash prize for each. Along with our Urban Team receiving a plaque for the 1st place team in our County. 

Racine Southern FFA attended the District 10 Soil Judging CDE in Oak Hill, Ohio. The Urban Soil judging team had a score of 1852 and a team rank of 10th overall. Wyatt Smith placed first on the team with a score of 640. Justin Lawson placed second on the team with a score of 632. Tyson Hupp placed third on the team with a score of 580. The Rural Soil Judging team had a score of 1873 and a team rank of 13th overall. Peyton Milliron placed first on the team with a score of 729. Brilah Spires placed second on the team with a score of 595. Skyler Allen placed third on the team with a score of 549. 

Racine Southern FFA had fun at both local and district competitions, and we are beyond proud of our contestants. We all look forward to soil judging contests next year and hope to do even better than this year. 

Our top 4 in our Urban Judging Team with the first place award at the Meigs Co. Soil and Water Banquet (Pictured left to right-Nathanial Nero, Hunter Jarrell, Wyatt Smith and Will Smith)

Our Urban Team at the Athens/Meigs Soils CDE in a soil judging pit (Pictured front to back-Tyson Hupp, Alex Owsley, Hunter Lackey, Hunter Jarrell, Justin Lawson, Wyatt Smith, Nathanial Nero, Will Smith)

Our Rural/Ag Soils Team at the Athens/Meigs Soils CDE in a soil judging pit (Pictured front to back- Xander Moon, Brilah Spires, Emma Owens, Skyler Allen, Peyton Milliron)

Top 5 members from the Athens/Meigs Soils CDE qualified to compete at the District Soils CDE-Urban Team members from left to right: Justin Lawson, Nathanial Nero, Wyatt Smith, Tyson Hupp, Will Smith.

Top 5 members from the Athens/Meigs Soils CDE qualified to compete at the District Soils CDE-Rural/Ag Team members from left to right: Xander Moon, Emma Owens, Brilah Spires, Peyton Milliron and Skyler Allen