RACINE, OHIO- On Friday, September 20, 2024, Southern High School crowned Ally Anderson as the 2024 Homecoming Queen, chosen by her classmates as the senior class royalty.

Southern Local would like to thank Clark's Jewelry Store in Pomeroy for donating the crown, and Shade Farm and Flowers for donating the beautiful bouquet.  Ally was crowned by our 2023 King and Queen, Jace Hill and Gracie Hill.


Anderson, along with all of the senior homecoming candidates, including Katie Brooker, Amanti Hayes, Jorja Lisle, and Marlo Norris, were escorted by their loved ones during the special event. There was no Homecoming king crowned this year.

courtAt the football game, the Homecoming Court was filled with excitement, including Flower Bearer Mazie Roush, Crown Bearer Reid Ellsworth, and representatives from each grade: seventh-grader Amethyst Forester, eighth-grader Cameron Carleton, ninth-grader Nevaeh Camp, tenth-grader Piper Hill, and eleventh-grader Jaylynn Hupp.


Earlier in the day, a vibrant parade featuring creative floats from each class, grades 7-12, as the Southern Band filled the streets with upbeat tunes. Siren sounds from emergency vehicles could also be heard. Students cheered, waving as they enjoyed treats tossed from those in the parade. A special thank you to the following for helping provide a safe and successful parade route: Racine Police Department, Pomeroy Police Department, Syracuse Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Meigs County Sheriff’s Office, SRO Jimmy Spears, SLSD Bus Garage, Racine Fire Department, Syracuse Fire Department, Southern Bus Drivers, and Meigs EMS.

The float made by the senior class clinched the first place spot with the juniors coming in second.

During the week of September 16-20, Southern was buzzing with themed dress-up days, adding extra fun to the festivities. Students got silly for Tacky Tourist Day, showed off their sports pride for Jersey Day, and went all out in school colors on Spirit Day.  In addition to the dress-up days, there were epic dodgeball tournaments, competitive powderpuff football, and lively volleyball matches, turning the school into a hub of energy.

The senior class also took home first place in powderpuff football, while the juniors dominated the volleyball competition and had the best attendance. 

To keep the spirit going, junior high and high school students engaged in a friendly food drive competition and penny wars. The eighth graders snagged first place by gathering the most pantry items. In total, 765 food items were collected to help stock local food banks and families in need. In the penny wars and "Mad Hatter" initiative, $431.68 was raised for a family in need. The senior class won the penny wars.

The overall standings from Homecoming Week were:

First place: Juniors

Second place: Seniors

Third place: Freshman

Fourth place: Sophomores

Fifth place: Eighth graders

Sixth place: Seventh graders

Capping off the celebration will be the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 21, 2024, a night of dancing, laughter, and unforgettable memories to wrap up Southern High School’s spirited week.