2024 Grads

Southern High School Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises

Racine, OH- Forty-four students completed their high school educational experience on Sunday May 19, 2024. The students entered the gymnasium  at 7:31pm with “Pomp and Circumstance” being played by the Southern High School Band.  Christina Smith, member of the class of 2024, gave the welcome speech. Ava Roush, student council Secretary, gave the invocation and student council president, Alexis Smith, led those gathered in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Southern High School’s Band, directed by Mr. Chad Dodson, performed an exceptional performance of “Burn after Reading” by Andrew David Perkins.

Salutatorian, Chloe Rizer, delivered her salutatorian address.

Good evening, family members, faculty, friends, and, of course, my fellow graduates of the Class of 2024. It is truly a privilege for me to have the opportunity to recount and reflect upon the numerous experiences that both my classmates and I have encountered throughout our time at Southern High School. Each moment, from the challenging to the triumphant, holds a special place in our collective journey. Moreover, to be a member of such an outstanding class, characterized by its remarkable friendship with one another and shared dedication to learning, is a distinction that brings me immense pride and gratitude. When the speech prompt was first presented to me, I did not think it was realistic. How would I be able to summarize our entire journey, in as little as five minutes? Throughout the past thirteen years, we have shared countless moments of joy, stress, and even tears, all of which have strengthened our bond and created unforgettable memories that we will hold close to our hearts as we start this new chapter of life. For the majority of us, perhaps just myself, the main goal of elementary school was to win a game of kickball or knockout during recess. Thankfully, it is safe to say that our priorities have changed dramatically. As we journeyed through the path of growth and self-discovery, our bonds evolved into cherished friendships that reside eternally in the depths of our hearts, interwoven with memories and experiences that time cannot erode nor fade. As we advanced through junior high, the school atmosphere became far more serious, causing us to recognize the challenges awaiting us. The mounting pressure from exams, assignments, and other academic responsibilities began to consume many of us, including myself, leaving us feeling suffocated by the demands. Fortunately, a number of us discovered effective ways to distract ourselves from the overwhelming stress of school by engaging ourselves in extracurricular pursuits like joining clubs, engaging in sports, participating in the band, and exploring other diverse activities. These outlets served as vital retreats, offering us comfort and a much-needed break from the high-strung educational environment. During our time in high school, which started off with the infamous label "Stupid Freshman" coined by Jordan Hardwick, the anticipated thrill of our freshman year was quickly overshadowed by the unexpected arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. Do not worry, I will not bore you with the specifics because everyone knows how the pandemic changed school life, among other things. Soon, life took a more serious turn for us. Previously, tests had been mere opportunities to earn stickers, but now they carried the weight of deciding our college futures. Sports, once solely for enjoyment, have now become a pursuit of championships. It dawned on us the immense responsibility that would soon rest on our shoulders. Every waking moment seemed to be preparing us for adulthood, as we faced the reality of the daunting decisions awaiting us and the importance of our every action. Throughout every academic year in high school, our attention was singularly fixed on a single goal: reaching the end. The peak of this journey came in our senior year, a chapter filled with bittersweet final moments and the looming uncertainty of what lies ahead. As we navigated through the challenges and triumphs of adolescence, the weight of anticipation grew heavier with each passing day. The focus on graduation day and the nearing transition into the unknown fueled our actions and decisions. The senior year became a puddle of emotions, blending nostalgia for the memories made, and fear for the possibilities awaiting us beyond the familiar hallways. Reflecting on our high school experience, it became evident that the journey was not just about academic achievements, but the journey to discover our goal and each one’s purpose. Each passing moment was a step closer to both an end and a new beginning, marking a pivotal point in our lives that will forever shape our paths moving forward. As I reflect on this moment, the reality sinks in deeper that the present gathering may mark the final occasion when all of us converge in one space. Despite the challenges and weariness that surrounded us throughout the day, a sense of unity and support always prevailed among us, especially during homecoming week and pep rallies, which, in case anyone was unaware, we won multiple times. It dawns on me how remarkable it is to have walked side by side, tackling countless obstacles together, forging bonds that will undoubtedly endure the test of time. The collective memories we have woven together in this chapter of life resonate deeply within each and every one of us. Finally, to my fellow graduates, I urge you not to shy away from confronting your past and the upbringing you have experienced. Embrace the process of healing by acknowledging that every aspect of your journey serves a purpose. Your success should not stem from external expectations but rather from a genuine desire to fulfill your own dreams and goals. In facing the daily challenges that will come your way, always remind yourself that your roots and where you come from, will provide you with the strength and resilience needed to overcome any obstacle. Let these hardships shape you into a persevering individual who reaches the heights of achievement you have always envisioned. Remember, understanding and embracing your past is a pivotal step in crafting a bright future built on your experiences and the lessons learned along the way. So, face each day with courage and determination, knowing that your past can be a powerful source of strength guiding you towards your goals. 

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 and thank you.”

Valedictorian, Brayden Otto, then gave his valedictorian address:

Two Words: I Quit

How often have these two words entered your mind? If I had to guess, probably more often than you are willing to admit. These two words have the power to take hold of your life and never let go. I mean it's the easiest thing to do, right? When times get tough and we feel that everything is in a downward spiral, our first instinct is to take the easy way out and just quit. I have found myself struggling with this battle more often than not. There have been many instances in my life where I have given it my all, put 100% on the line, and put forth all the effort that I could possibly give to be great at something just for my accomplishments to be smothered by the words of others. There have been many times that people have tried to discredit my accomplishments. It’s times like these when the two words, I quit, would enter my mind. Being the principal's son has not made things easier for me as many people have assumed. No matter how hard I worked to be my best self, get the best grades, and put forward my best effort, the responses to my successes seemed to always be belittled by the fact that I was the principal's son. I could have given up. I could have let them win. But instead of quitting, I used these words as motivation to work even harder and reach the goals that I had set from the beginning. 

Two Words: Push Forward

Take the criticism from others and transform it into motivation. While quitting is easy, pushing forward takes hard work, determination, and grit. It is important to stick to your course of action and be determined to overcome these hardships. You may not succeed at first, but the willingness to try again is what matters. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 

There will be many setbacks and obstacles along your journey, but you must use these as learning experiences to better yourself and prepare for your future. Remember to stay focused and block out the negative words and actions of others. When people knock you down, get back up stronger than before. Many of the most successful athletes, inventors, and leaders of this world have received negative criticism along the way, but this did NOT prevent them from achieving greatness. They mastered the power of perseverance and learned how to focus on the positive aspects of their journey, rather than the negative ones. By focusing on the encouragement from your supporters, you can overcome any obstacles in your path to success. It is crucial to surround yourself with people who want you to succeed and who will uplift your successes, rather than discredit them. 

Two Words: Give Thanks

During the times of your greatest successes, never forget to give thanks to those in your support system. During the times of your greatest struggles, give thanks to those in your support system just the same. Through your ups and downs in life, never forget the people who stood in your corner through it all. They are the ones that truly matter, and the ones that you should focus all of your time and energy towards. With this, I'd like to take a moment to thank the people who have been by my side throughout my journey and who have helped me to become the person I am today. To my parents - from athletics to academics and everything in between, you two have had the biggest impact on my life and I would not have achieved this without your unconditional love and support. Dad, you have worn many hats in my life - father, coach, and principal among others. Although it's not been easy for either of us, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

Mom, you have been my biggest cheerleader in life, and I’m proud to have given you something to post on Facebook every other day for the last two months. To my family, my mentors, and my true friends - your support, your advice, and your words of wisdom along the way have made a huge difference in my life. Having each of you in my circle has contributed to my success and I thank you. My support system has been with me through it all and has provided me with almost all of the confidence I have needed to overcome my challenges and succeed. 

Two Words: I Can

As we move forward in life, we must maintain a positive mindset. Always know that there is nothing in life that can stop you from achieving your goals. Live every day with an  “I can” mentality, and throw the “I quit” one away. We will all be faced with many obstacles. However, it is how we approach and overcome these that will ultimately define our future. It is up to us to pave our own paths to success. Even if you feel like you do not currently have a support system in your corner, believe in yourself. Let nobody define your ability to succeed but you. As my mom said around 50 years ago in her 1996 graduation speech, ‘Even in a world where the majority says we can’t - YOU CAN.” 

To the Class of 2024 - Don’t Quit. Push Forward. Give Thanks. You Can. 

Thank you.”

Principal, Daniel Otto, announced the following recognitions:

Senior members of the National Honors Society: Lila Cooper, Gracie Hill,Jace Hill, Tyresse Little,  Brayden Otto, Chloe Rizer, Ava Roush, Alexis Smith, and Lauren Smith.

Students Earning Honors Diploma: Tyreese Little, Brayden Otto, James Powell, Chloe Rizer, Ava Roush, Kamry Roush, Kimber Sands, Tistyn Sellers, Alexis Smith, Christina Smith, and Lauren Smith.

Honorians (Top Ten of the Class): Kamry Roush, Jace Hill, Tyreese Little, Dana Card, Kaiden Michael, Lauren Smith, Ava Roush, Alexis Smith, Chloe Rizer- Sal., and Brayden Otto- Val.

Superintendent, Mr. Tony Deem, thanked the parents, staff, and board of education and then presented the class to the board of education as meeting all graduation requirements.  Board president, Mrs. Brenda Johnson, Handed out the diplomas and Principal Otto read their names.

Class of 2024 President, Jace Hill led the class in the changing of their tassels, followed by the Class of 2024 leading those gathered in the singing of Southern High Schools Alma Mater. The program ended with Alexis Smith giving the Benediction and and the seniors walking off the stage to the Southern High School’s band playing the Recessional (J.Ployhar).

The seniors then congregated at the front of the school for one last class chant and the throwing of their caps.

Special thanks to the following juniors and sophomores for their assistance with graduation: Audriannna Herrera, Katie Brooker, Carson Reuter, Xander Fisher, Kiersten Rose, and Kianna Rose.